1. If approved, confirmation of antibodies to be included in the Human Protein Atlas pipeline will be sent to the applicant (collaborator). This information will be kept confidential by the Human Protein Atlas project. The collaborator is asked to send a vial of the approved antibodies to the Human Protein Atlas project. A minimum amount of 50 µg or equivalent will be needed for each antibody aliquot, delivered in appropriate tubes (preferably 1-2 ml volume with screw cap) and properly labeled.
  2. Each antibody is tested according to Human Protein Atlas-standard procedures, i.e., on Western blots and on a special designed TMA initially using two antibody-dilutions and heat epitope retrieval in citrate buffer.
  3. The results of the antibody validation and the decision to approve or not approve the antibody for publication on the Human Protein Atlas portal will be sent to the antibody provider. This information will also be kept confidential by the Human Protein Atlas project.
  4. Each antibody approved by the Human Protein Atlas project will subsequently be immunostained on eight TMAs representing 576 tissues and manually annotated.
  5. Confirmation of successful tissue profiling (including annotation) will be sent to the collaborator.